Friends of the Festival

Festival Partner
Professor Brian Alspach

Ross Whitelaw
Dr James Leitch

Luke Foteff
Fiducian Financial Planning Newcastle
Ross and Jill Fiddes
Ron Ramsey and Paul Munro
Therese and Rudy Wildschut

Piggott’s Pharmacy
Sheila Leitch
Sally Walker
Dr Jim Wafer
Dr Howard Bridgman

Michael Warland
John Stowell

Grateful thanks…

Our thanks to… Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle and Adamstown Arts at Adamstown Uniting Church for their support in every year of Newcastle Music Festival, and for their contribution to music in our city. 

Supporters of the Festival

The Festival gratefully acknowledges for the previous or current support of the following people and organisations:

PDH Accounting
Dr Jennifer Barnes
Rod Barnes
Adamstown Arts at Adamstown Uniting Church
Photolook Newcastle
University of Newcastle
The Marketing Mill
Newcastle Conservatorium
Spiffy Promo & Wear
Port of Newcastle
John Cornell
Michael Gormly
Christ Church Cathedral
Newcastle Grammar School
Throsby Street Providore
Festival Choir subcommittee volunteers
Andrew Rostas 
James Ferguson
Cedars Mount View
Kent Woodcock Creative Solutions
Admix Media
Dr Claire Albrecht
The Local
Effective Workplace Pty Ltd
Cr. Jennifer Barrie
ADFAS – Newcastle
Boulevard on Beaumont
Helen Griffith 
EventX Media Productions
Nova Praetorians Recorder Quartet
Rustica Newcastle Beach
Merewether High School
Rosalind Halton
Hunter Professional Arts
The University Gallery, University of Newcastle
Hunter School of the Performing Arts
Sushi Koo
Zaffran Indian Restaurant
Mansfield House
Carrington Place
FogHorn Brewery
Holiday Inn Express Newcastle
Newcastle Music Festival volunteers

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